Line shooters seem to prefer the .36 in Uberti to the .44, don't know about a 40, that would have to be made.
Some line shooters like a Pietta with progressive rifling, I have never seen one.
In the past, Uberti was superior to Pietta, don't know about today's manufacturing, not qualified to voice an opinion.
The discussion which is better in the past, Uberti or Cimarron after careful study, the workmanship is the same, but you can get more finish options on the frame from Cimarron.
Discussion which is a better buy, Pietta or Uberti, I have to go with Uberti based on one decisive point. Uberti front sight can be drifted left or right to change the point of impact.
That is more important than a few dollars.
Spread over 20 years, $20 dollars is nothing when it come to happiness, I buy quality, not cheapness.
For line shooter's the cap and ball revolver is the hardest to master of the pistols needed in a 1,000 point match, it is very finicky and does have a temper at times.