I was almost entirely set on buying a Uberti Remington 1858 New Army because it was said to be closer to the original. However I started getting impatient with Uberti because there is only 2 dealers is my country and I contacted one of them and he told me they rarely get Uberti shipment and the Remington did not get restocked at all this year which makes it 9 months, I guess replacement parts are more rare as well. Also heard on this forum that the quality decreased in Uberti because they did some sort of factory upgrade and laid off skilled workers, meanwhile I heard people claim the Pietta quality increased again. Is the Uberti only slightly more accurate to the original? Do they both fire conical bullets as well, (heard an owner complain it did not fit as well in Pietta). Both can be converted to fire cartridges, right? Are they both about as far off to the original, one only slightly closer than the other? Is it true that the Pietta surpassed Uberti's quality? They both cost about the same where I live and the Pietta 1858 is in stock.
I need help deciding which to buy, the rarity of Uberti made me skeptical and I keep hearing a decrease in its quality in the recent years.
Thank you for your help in advance!