If you want to sit before the fireplace and admire the pricetag, go for the 2nd Gen Colt.
Otherwise, if you want to shoot, decide by price. Uberti and Pietta are comparable anymore. I've found QC varies by the calendar date; I have Piettas and Ubertis both that approach flawless fit and finish, and also a Uberti 1862 Colt with bad fit - enough endshake that it required better nipples just for the hammer to reach in order to fire.
Cimmaron, is a Uberti distributor, nothing more. They neither manufacture, nor inspect or hand fit firearms they sell.
Look around on-line at the major retailers. Most have Christmas sales, factor, too sales tax and shipping into the total price. Some sellers don't charge sales tax, but do charge a little more for shipping. Some have free or discount shipping this time of year, too.