Pillow ticking

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Howdy again:
I know all y'all probably know this, BUT for the newbies here. When you find the fabric in the store. Look closely at the spec. tag on the end of the bolt to make sure it says 100% cotton! That's very important! If the material contains ANY synthetics, the patch will melt in the barrel and make one God awful mess of your rifling!
Here again I may be "Preachin' to the Choir" but I figured I'd pass that on, just in case?
God bless:
Two Feathers
Once upon a time many moons ago I ran out of patches at a shooting match. I proceeded to pull my tee shirt over the muzzle and cut patches from it. It was difficult to explain the two rows of neatly cut holes in my tee shirt to my wife because she was laughing so hard.
Improvise, adapt and overcome! Well played, sir.
Crockford, your comment about the two old ladies in the fabric shop brought back a memory to this child. T'isn't strictly about patching material so if this is the wrong thread I do apologize.
Our camp ran out of grub and beverages at a local rendezvous once and two of us taken the sitch-iation in hand and went to town. As I recollect it was about dark-thirty. We didn't bother changing to our town clothes. and as we were checking out with our purchases I was in one line and ol' Two Bears was in another. He wore his hair long and his beard shaggy then, had a earring in his one ear, and was dressed in a ragged shirt of thin cotton ticking, a breechclout and stained buckskin leggin's and moccasins. I disremember whether Bears was wearing his battered old trappers hat or if it was out for another oil change at the time. I on the other hand was dapper in a red calico shirt, fringed brain-tan buckskin britches, plains moccasins, and my equally battered old 10X beaver Bridger hat with the quilled band. All of us smelled of woodsmoke, o'course, and perhaps a touch of adult beverages recently drank, and we all had butcher knives at out belts in tacked scabbards. In front of me in my line were two old ladies, whispering loudly about how scandalized they were by the young man in the next row because "He doesn't have any pants on!" I leaned over and said (as I recall) "It's all right ladies. That's a breechcloth and leggins he's wearing and he's decently covered. Of course, it doesn't take much in his case." They both gasped and round-eyed me, then hustled over to another checkout stand. Some folks just got NO tolerance at all ..... !

Priceless!!! Absolutely priceless!!!