Keep in mind that while there was not a lot of money perhaps there was work, trade value of some items. Furs. Lumber or trees, crops Etc.
Also while we determine functional one way , at the time lives depended on functional.
So if your life or the lives of your family depended on the firearm you might obtain, what would you look for?
That was a decision. So functional in our mind may have meant reliable in that day.
There can be a difference.
It must fire and it must be accurate.
Also if you knew or thought you might become part of a militia that entered into the process to.
Also while we determine functional one way , at the time lives depended on functional.
So if your life or the lives of your family depended on the firearm you might obtain, what would you look for?
That was a decision. So functional in our mind may have meant reliable in that day.
There can be a difference.
It must fire and it must be accurate.
Also if you knew or thought you might become part of a militia that entered into the process to.