potential accuracy of smoothbore

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36 Cal.
Oct 10, 2006
Reaction score

It seems that some smoothbore pistols are accurate with balls, i.e. Pedersoli flintlock Lepage but most (i.e. cal.20 Howda, Pedersoli anIX,etc..) are not.

Why (apart for stretcher and sights) and how to improve them ?

With respect, I find smoothbore pistols to be quite accurate outwards to 25-35 yards with consistancy. I think that the type of charge and wadding plays a direct role in this. Barrel length will also help determine accuracy as well as weather conditions. Sights do of course play a part but many were not made with them, I prefer those. There are so many variables out there when you speak of smoothbore pistols. One of the biggest is the shooter. Some are just plain not good shots with a pistol or have not spent the time practicing with smoothbore pistols. If you wish to obtain a 1-2" group at 25 yards well then yes they aren't very accurate by today's standards. If you wish to use them as intended when they were the modern firearms and hit a Man sized target in the torso everytime they are quite accurate in my humble opinion.
Celt5494 said:
With respect, I find smoothbore pistols to be quite accurate outwards to 25-35 yards with consistancy..... Some are just plain not good shots with a pistol or have not spent the time practicing with smoothbore pistols.
I think you have pretty well summed it up. Pistols take some practice to do well. At one of our rendezvous, we have a duel set-up where 2 shooters face swing-away steel targets at about 10 yards, using large bore, smooth bore flintlock pistols. The targets are a silhouette of Yosemite Sam, a little larger than a paper plate. One of the consistent winners is the wife of a friend; she shoots a lot!
I was vaguely aware of European shooting contests with smooth bore pistols so I did some digging to satisfy my own curiosity.

Found some info on the "Cominazzo" course of fire. Smooth bore flintlocks fired one hand, unsupported at 25 meters using the ISSF 50 meter pistol target. The ten ring is 50mm in diameter. The aiming mark is 200mm (just shy of 8") and covers out to the 7 ring. Course of fire is 13 shots with the best 10 counting toward score. Winning scores seem to run in the low 90's which ain't to shabby.
As a rule, the best results are had with a small bore (most replicas used in the Cominazzo match are .44 cal, the smallest allowed), and frequently a heavy charge - 35 grains or so. Patched round ball works IF you have a good bore. Otherwise a stippled RB over Cream of Wheat filler.

I have had some info from experienced European competitors : the main point for accuracy is that the ball has to travel fast.

That is why competitors use small caliber (under cal45) with higher BP load compared to similar rifled bores.

For a An IX to acchieve similar accuracy than a cal36 Lepage, the barrel should be much longer and the load so important that it would be difficult to manage.

But basically high speed of ball increase accuracy.

Thanks for your answers


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