If you can find polished or even unpolished horns it is easy to make your own. Then you have a hand made horn for maybe 7-15 bucks and a few hours of your time. I have made 5 and am working on a 6th, no reason only need a couple one for 3f and one for 2 f, but I just enjoy making them. Plus you can make it as fancy as you want. Mine are all pretty basic as I figure most Mt. men were not into thos fancy frilly things . Two I made from raw horns a nephew cattle rancher gave me after he had a cow dehorned. Got to do everything from "boiling" out the core (pew ee) to polishing. Next 2 made from pre-polished horns I picked up at a rondy. Current one from a unploished horn I bought at a Rondy, got to watch those as sometimes the solid part can go a 1/3 of the way down the spout end. Have made the base plugs out of hand carved walnut, pine and red cedar, epoxed and covered with bees wax. Plugs are either horn tip with glued in dowel or hand carved wood. Straps are either, 6 ft leather shoe string or half inch wide latigo from the horse riders section of local farm supply store