Pete G
76 Cal.
Keep going ahead and don't look backI'm quite happy to use the 505 as standard.
Keep going ahead and don't look backI'm quite happy to use the 505 as standard.
I use a dope scale, far quicker and more accurate than a beam scale and dirt cheap.
I use this one;
Would the RCBS 505 be a good scale?
Have both, do not care for the electronic, have gone back to using my old reliable balance with magnetic damping. Use for both blackpowder and modern load work. The scales are used to set measures and throw charges. May not be historically correct but I like the plastic tubes to carry premeasured charges of powder/shot etc. Shot is often in home made paper tubes. I know the electronic are advertised to be the greatest thing since sliced bread. Have several, some were a lot more expensive than my old style. I personally do not like them. It is like the Ford or Chevy debate, use what you like and trust. Some of my older scales are 60 years old plus and still accurate when checked with weights over their full range. At my age I'm probably obsolete too, but I still work.
Absolutely disagree... a beam scale with magnetic dampening is superior to a digital scale. If you don't believe it, I challenge you to check your tare throughout your loading. I haven't found one yet that doesn't change during my reloading, but I never use either with black powder and patched round balls.Beam scales are obsolete. They are inferior to a modern digital with tare feature in every way. I would now pay for one. I have several that I have been given, I only keep them because of my hoarder streak. I now use an A&D FX-120i for all loading. It is 10X the scale anyone needs except for the most demanding long range bench rest loading, but man it is as sweet rig to use. A $40 pocket digital is about perfect for all normal people. The "Tuning" referenced above is calibration. You can and should do that with you digital, it takes about a minuet with the supped check weight. Tuning is 505 is silly.
I have a B&M and have used it on the range. I find the horizontally operated lever awkward and stiff. The whole unit turns on the thumb screw mount. Any helpful hints to make it more user friendly.