Price of flints going up

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50 Cal.
Dec 25, 2021
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The black English flints at Track of the Wolf has gone up from $2.60 to $3.20 and French amber are up to $3, I think they were $2.40 a month ago. Not sure if other suppliers are going up too, but usually TOW sets the trend. I got a good supply of flints and like caps, it is what it is; but man I hate to see this inflation effecting everything, even black powder supplies . Carry on.
inflation effecting everything
Yes, tis a pity. I recall the days when shooting ml rifle the cost per shot was almost too small to measure. When I had my gun shop in Indiana I sold caps for 79 cents for a tin of 100. I used German sawn flints for many years. They are expensive initially but, in a good lock (GOOD LOCK, super important) they last for almost countless shots making them very economical to use.
Every aspect of life has gone up it seems. From beans, bacon, bullets. All of it. To an extent, I accept that's the way it is. Some things go up because they can. I don't mind paying a little more fore something I enjoy. But I'll starve before I go to McDonalds ever again. Glad you posted this Ron, I was thinking I wanted to order a dozen flints the other day. This motivated me.
I have a fair supply.
plus i bought a couple dozen english of 2 sizes from october country just to try. not overly impressed
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Funny how politicians and elitist trust fund babies can tell Americans to eat cereal for supper to save on grocery bills when even that has jumped way up in price.

I couldn't imagine trying to raise a young family now and days. You think back years ago when you were first married and how tough it was. My wife and I still joke about eating pancakes and pork and beans for supper because it was 2 days till payday and that was all that was left in the house. Guess that's why we keep so well stocked now and days.
I've always wanted to learn flint knapping!
Yup, just more incentive to get your feet wet and start knapping your own. I really enjoy getting out in the warm sun shine in a comfortable chair, with my knapping tools and making arrow points and gun flints.
If you set up on a good drop cloth in your local park you will soon have plenty of company to enjoy chatting with and answering lots of questions ! Flint knapping draws folks (especially kids) like a fire sale ! 😄
The black English flints at Track of the Wolf has gone up from $2.60 to $3.20 and French amber are up to $3, I think they were $2.40 a month ago. Not sure if other suppliers are going up too, but usually TOW sets the trend. I got a good supply of flints and like caps, it is what it is; but man I hate to see this inflation effecting everything, even black powder supplies . Carry on.
Yeah. I guess the guys that knap and supply them feel the pinch, too. Of course the other suppliers don't have to increase just because TOW does, but I don't want to even think about trying to knap my own flints! :(

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