"Primitive" shooting at NMLRA

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I’ve heard it’s too wet, it’s too hot , its too far and it’s too much walking …
Cry me a river…

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It’s not for everyone I guess…..🤷‍♂️
Got any pics of you and your attire…?
Did you camp? Tent or tin teepee?

If it was such a dreadful experience, I definitely would not go back….

Geees , I’m glad the weather was nice!🤣
Hello Smo. I was at the June shoot at Friendship for nine days. I shot in 23 matches, mostly on the offhand range. I shot the forum woodswalk and pistol matches on the primitive range. All the people that run the primitive range have always been very helpful to me. They work hard to make it safe and fun. I have been shooting there spring and fall for 13 years so my opinion is not based on 1 short visit. I shot 3 matches in small bore silhouette. They have made improvements to the ranges and facilities each year. The weather was great. I look forward to the September shoot. Thanks to all the dedicated volunteers on all the ranges for your hard work. It is commendable. I have no complaints.
Thank you for your reply 1st Sgt!

You are exactly right they have made several improvements over the past few years..
Hopefully the trend will continue.

I’m not one of the regular shooters that attends every shoot, but I’ve been there several times and the changes are visible..and for the most part , better in my opinion.

I don’t agree or understand some of the issues that have been brought up concerning the sheep sheds and camp grounds.

But all & all I think the NMLRA and it’s Volunteers have greatly improved the facilities and have made some worthwhile changes.
Replacing the steps behind the Blockhouse was one that needed done for sure..

Along with the improvements too the woods walk and the addition of the new H& K course,, which I haven’t had the opportunity too try out yet.

I’m glad y’all had a good trip and the weather cooperated, for once..

I assume you kicked butt and took names again on the Forum woods walk..👍🤣


RIP Trent…
I’ve heard it’s too wet, it’s too hot , its too far and it’s too much walking …
Cry me a river…

View attachment 330482
View attachment 330483

It’s not for everyone I guess…..🤷‍♂️
Got any pics of you and your attire…?
Did you camp? Tent or tin teepee?

If it was such a dreadful experience, I definitely would not go back….

Geees , I’m glad the weather was nice!🤣
Thanks smo, I don't really involve myself much in conversations like this anymore. I can't begin to list the 12 hour BOD meetings I've sat thru, the heat, the cold, the rains, the floods etc. Usually it's from someone who really just wants to complain about stuff they would never join in to help fix. They might expect KOA campgrounds for 2 shoots a year and those same amenities to sit idle the other 50 weeks a year. But I will make this offer to anyone who has better ideas how to a large association and it's shoots..................send me by PM your NMLRA membership # and I will start you a petition to run for the Board of Directors . I'll even be the first person to sign it. Maybe you'll be elected and can do all those ideas you have. Aside from that come up to the Blockhouse and see me in Sept smo
I would imagine the NMLRA are just trying to get the number of shooters up. Twelve isnt very many. From what I've seen Friendship isn't even a thimble full of what it used to be years ago. Wife and I went there a number of times in the 90's and early 2000's. We stopped by on the way home from vacation two years ago and decided it was nice we were traveling through, because it wouldn't have been worth the gas money to travel from home.

The quality of rifle displayed at builders hall was poor compared to what we had seen in the past. Number of primitive campers was down. Fleamarkets were reduced in size and full of made in china manure. Many of the sheep sheds were empty. Fewer shooters on the line. Just not the same.

Hell, I remember the 1st time I was there, there was a haze of smoke filling the valley, the sound of muzzleloaders going off, a fellow on the hill playing the bagpipes. I had goose bumps it was so awesome. I wish it would be that way again!
Societal culture has changed.
The Bicentennial and a generation ( I am in that group ) that grew up watching Daniel Boone and Davey Crockett on tv in the sixties and seventies are what drove the resurgence of interest in American frontier life. As us old farts die off interest will continue to fall.
For the folks who thought the facilities on the primitive range were a little rough, you should have been there when the bathrooms were pit toilets before they built "the cave". It is after all a "primitive" range. When I lived back east we used to take off on a wild hair and do our own rondys at the primitive side of the facility. Had some great times including enjoying a night in two facing lean-tos through a blizzard. Got around 10 inches of snow and got up and shot the next day. Froze our rear ends off but we still talk about that weekend. Doing is what counts. Complaining not so much. It is easy to be part of the peanut gallery but as Justtim said, jump in and be part of the solution. There are also true primitive rendezvous available east and west. I am off to the Rocky Mountain National Rendezvous next week. If you live out west and enjoy an actual rondy, give it a try.

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