Got her dirty today. The rest was behind the rammer thimble, about 4 inches from the muzzle. That was as far out as I could get it. Improvement was dramatic!
The load was a Hornady .490 ball, .015 patch lubed with Bore Butter, a 56 cal. Ox Yoke lubed wool wad and 70 gr of 3f Swiss.
The barrel, according to Chuck Dixon, isn't a Green Mountain, as I thought. Its 7/8x36 .50 caliber Getz. Twist rate seems like 1-70.
Anyway. This load's too loose as I had a couple blown patches that spoiled the first group.
First 3 were 4 1/2". The next 3 were 2 3/16ths and the last 4 were 3" and 3 of those were 2 1/4".
Overlap of these groups was excellent! That alone was worth the attempt! Point of impact was only an inch higher than with my previous rest. Minus the patch related flyers, 8 of 10 went into 3 inches at 50 yards. This is a major improvement!
Curious that in all the advise I've seen/ heard about shooting long rifles, none has mentioned the muzzle rest.
Now she is a VERY light and petite rifle. Chuck said she's about as light a .50 caliber as you can get. Even so, she is a polite lady to shoot. Never yet bit me.
With the previous rest, I tried .495/.015. Too hard a ram. .490/.018, nice to load and .020, too tight..
Powder has been 70 grains of 2 and 3f Swiss. Gonna have to revisit some of these, now that I know where to put her! Gonna try other lubes too. I've never had the issues some report with Bore Butter. I swab between every shot with rubbing alcohol.
I'm very excited/ encouraged by these results!
I'll be alot more confident come December, if I can get good consistent group size and point of impact from what I consider my last flintlock. If this one didn't work out, I'd stick to my cap busters...