Going back to the topic of skills or as some would call old ways, it is stunning to me how ill prepared people are today for any type of emergency.
Just last week I saw another story of a hiker death. This guy was described as an "experienced hiker." He decided to hike up Mt Washington in New Hampshire. Even in June it can get pretty bad weather wise up there, and it is not unusual for snow to be on the ground at the higher elevations. He either got lost or disoriented, I'm not sure. He wasn't dressed properly, and I'm positive he had no survival kit. He did, however, have a phone in which he was texting his wife telling her he was getting worried over the weather and temperature drop.
His last text to his wife was he was "cold and wet." and worried about hypothermia. Rescuers risked their own necks and found him unconscious and sadly he died enroute to the hospital.
Why he didn't attempt to build a makeshift lean-to or shelter I don't know. If he had a basic kit, he could have also built a fire and stayed put until the cavalry arrived. Maybe he panicked, maybe he just didn't know how. I don't know. The news showed a picture of him probably from social media. At least he had nice boots.
Be Prepared. Oh wait, it's not cool for kids to be in Boy Scouts anymore. Or are they racist? Either way, many of the young just aren't going to make it. We have gone from the Greatest Generation to the Weakest Generation right before our eyes. I'm a tail-end Boomer and I'm sure glad I learned this stuff as a kid and had it re-enforced and improved by the Navy and a lot of time in the woods and marsh.