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Rod Man

50 Cal.
Dec 26, 2020
Reaction score
Arkansas, Boston Mountains
How often do you pull the vent liner for cleaning? How often Do you replace? Is this a proprietary item? It looks like it’s hand fitted. No problems here but I can see where the slot is relatively shallow not sure if removing it every time for cleaning is a good idea. I have one of @davec2 ‘s cleaning implement's that really makes me wonder if I need to pull it anyway.


Thanks in advance for replies!

How often do you pull the vent liner for cleaning? How often Do you replace? Is this a proprietary item? It looks like it’s hand fitted. No problems here but I can see where the slot is relatively shallow not sure if removing it every time for cleaning is a good idea. I have one of @davec2 ‘s cleaning implement's that really makes me wonder if I need to pull it anyway.


Thanks in advance for replies!


Ideally, someone put a little anti-sieze on the threads before installing it, though.

Yeah it’s pretty apparent that it’s not necessary. But I do OCD about the cleanliness of my shoot’n Irons.

Even it a little crusty fouling stays in the liner, as long as you still have an open flash channel, no harm will be done because those liners are made of highly corrosion-resistant materials.
I only remove the liner before shooting and open the cone just a bit more. The liner gets a bit of "antiseize" on the threads before reinstallation. Other than that I only remove a liner if it's necessary when doing work on the barrel. After that I just leave them in and never have yet had to replace one.
I recommend you pull and replace the vent liner when the hole "burns out " to larger than .070 inches. NOT BEFORE.
The vent liners are likely to be either 1/4-28 or 5/16-24 and are available from most suppliers of muzzle loading building supplies. Since I don't recommend removing a vent liner unless you want to replace it, a call to TVM should get you the answer.
How often do you pull the vent liner for cleaning? How often Do you replace? Is this a proprietary item? It looks like it’s hand fitted. No problems here but I can see where the slot is relatively shallow not sure if removing it every time for cleaning is a good idea. I have one of @davec2 ‘s cleaning implement's that really makes me wonder if I need to pull it anyway.


Thanks in advance for replies!

Not necessary to remove. Just keep all clean!
I've only removed one once, recently on the Traditions Pennsylvania where I had to lower the pan because it was covering the vent. Figured I'd go ahead and pull it to check the vent hole, it was fine so I just put it back in place.
I have seen one shot out. It usually happens when the hole is filed down to a knife edge during installation. A friend's rifle shot fine then the group opened up. He found the hole was oval shaped instead of round. He replaced the liner and the group came back.
It is best to have a small flat edge on the hole. Maybe 1/64" or 1/32" to put more metal where the heat is. 1 No need to remove the liner. None of mine have a screw slot anyway. I clean my liner holes with a small pipe cleaner or dental brush.
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