So I’ve never had a ramrod so stuck I couldn’t get it out. Today I was shooting my SMR, it was a little above zero temp wise. I shot it for a couple hours with a range rod mostly but did take the rod out for a couple rounds and all was good . The ramrod has always been a little tight and I meant to go back and sand her down a little. Well after cleaning the gun I could not withdraw the ramrod. I used pliers and had my wife hold the gun and literally pulled her around the room with it. So I gave it a twist and all that did was shatter the end of the rod. Then I took it outside and let it cold soak till it was nice and frozen, still didn’t come out. Then I took it completely apart and the barrel off , I still can’t get it out. Now I have it sitting over the heat vent overnight in hopes the hot dry air will dry the rod or stock some so I can extract it. If that doesn’t work, what do I do?