Ramrod tips?

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user 49399

54 Cal.
Nov 26, 2020
Reaction score
I’ve search this forum and haven’t found what I’m looking for. Has anyone here made ramrod tips with materials like horn, bone or antler? If so, would you care to share a picture? Also, how did you attach the tip to the ramrod?


There are a few different ways to attach a hor or antler tip to he end of a ramrod, this is just a simple splice joint.

Too lazy to look for one right now for a pic. But I have made several from antler that screwed onto the threaded brass end. Not completely what you are asking for, but, what the hey........?
Made a couple of ebony. Strong, hard, very close grained. I used my drill press as a vertical lathe, and for one, made a 3/16 " "tang", inserted it into a hole in the end of the RR. For the other two, just screwed a short length of #6 threaded into both RR and tip, with epoxy.
Apologies for no pics.
I have some beautiful white American holly that I am cogitating on making into some tips. Looks about like white ivory when sanded and polished. Will try for pictures. And durability results!
I will try to try (!) the American holly this week, to see if it is hard and tough enough to use. That bright white might look good on some firearms.

I also have some Tagua Nuts (used as a substitute for ivory) which might be interesting to play with. They are generally used for inlays, not RR ends.