Musketman, You are more right than you know. There is a small, straight tree, very common in Iowa woods at least, and certainly farther east, which we called "ironwood". It is Ostrya virginianum, also called eastern hophornbeam. It is harder than hickory, very common, of no commercial value, and should make really good ramrods. In fact, a friend near McGregor, Iowa and I cut a 6" tree in his woods a couple of years ago, and I brought it back to Utah (5' length) and tried to split it into smaller pieces and then split and shave them into 3/8 ramrods. Gave it up as a bad job, but I still think that ironwood would really make good ramrods. We also sawed a chunk out of a big hickory that had blown down, split that with wedges and a maul, but there was nothing straight in it.