That is a nice bag, but like Paul, I see mostly wooden boxes at the rondies and shootin' matches that I attend.
You can buy a wood box, but a lot of folks I know just make their own. I've seen some big ones, 14-16 inches long and 12 inches wide, with nice dovetailed corners, some with fancy carving or painting. Then there are the smaller ones, like mine.
I just threw mine together very quickly. It is 14" long, 10" wide, and 10" tall. Inside, I made two compartments. One section holds a 1 lb. can of powder, a bottle of cleaning solution, patches and felt wads. The other section has two little drawers that lift out. On the bottom I keep a box of roundballs, a little tack hammer, pair of pliers, screwdriver, tube of Bore Butter, and a bag of patch/cleaning material. Above that sits the first drawer. In that I have my spare jags, patch pullers and such as that, extra flints, and whatnot. In the top drawer I keep several powder measures, cappers, an extra tin of caps, pencils, a pocket knife, tacks, and whatever.
Many shooters attach a strap to their box so that they can carry it over their shoulder. I just put a brass cabinet handle on mine and carry it with that.
At the chunkgun shoots a lot of guys have homemade loading/cleaning tables. Everyone has their own ideas for what works best, so no two are alike, same as with the range boxes.
I made my little folding table so the surface is 18"x 24" x 40" high. I notched two sides of the table to make a place to rest my longrifles against, and I put a large screw eye on one side and use that to hang my range rod.
My table is just big enough to put my range box on top and spread out its contents for easy access.
A leather range box is unique.