Range bag

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36 Cal.
Oct 22, 2007
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When going to the range I just cant seem to get everything in my shooting bag and cant bring myself to use one of those plastic shooting boxes(it just dont seem right) :shake: So I came up with this and was wondering what ya'll think of it :grin:
By hfd60[/URL
If I'm seeing the pictures right, it looks as though it's designed to sit upright on the bench. If that's so, it looks downright dandy to me.

And yeah, my "range bag" is orange platic. And it's got this neat black plastic swivel handle on top. And a matching black latch. :barf:

Would you be willing to post the pattern for this?
Nice bag. Ive got a question? Now remember I have never been to a range for black powder. Been at it since 82. Why the big bag? I have been to shoots and just shoot out of my hunting bag. Thanks Dilly
As for why the big bag, its for when i'm working up loads, different rb's, patches,conicals, multiple powders, cleaning equipment, differant lubes, tools and enough spare parts to fix just about anything :grin:

I'll see what i can do about trying to put up a pattern :hmm: might need some help with that.

Thanks for the comments. Two fo my buddies are bugging for one now too :shocked2:
That turned out real well, and I have too say it does look better than the old orange ammo box I use. I might be inspired too build me something along those lines.
That's thinking outside the box! Pun intended! :grin:
I am new to the sport, but I have to agree with you. I think a box like that would work well to carry to the range and keep things organized at home. I have been thinking about building a small wooden box, but wonder about getting into the rendevous part of the sport and having my butt kicked out for having something that is not authentic. I live in the Phoenix Valley and Ron Avery shooting range requires the ear protection (Mickey Mouse ears) that needs to be carried. Plus sighting in, I would think, would require a few more things (such as tools, etc.). If you ever did or plan to make up a pattern, I would like a copy. By the way, I would like to know if a wooden box would be accepted at a rendevous?

Wooden range boxes are the norm at the rendezvous I have attended, and at Friendship. Tip Curtiss has a nicely designed box that he sells. I don't know about plans. There are other sources for Range boxes.

I made my box out of an antique cartridge box from Winchester that I found at an antique show. I had to strengthen the bottom, and the finger joints. Then I put a new walnut top to it, with corner protectors, a hasp for closure, and a piano hinge to open it. I made some rails to screw on the inside of the box to support a tray, which was also made from wood. I cut the top approx. 2 inches off so that I also had a tray formed when I opened up the top and tipped it back. The top two inces is attached to the walnut top with screws, and the piano hinge joins the two parts. I put a suitcase handle at the top, but some prefer rope handles on the side. If I redo the box some time, I would use a router to cut a groove in the top for the handle to fold down into to make it easier to stack things on top of the box when transporting it.

I still see antique wood boxes at flea markets, so you can build your own if you are so inclined. They just seem to cost about double what I paid for mine 30 years ago. I have another box made out of an old Wooden packing crate for a pickle company. It pre-dates the Great Depression, at least. It still draws comments and looks at the range.
paulvallandigham said:
I made my box out of an antique cartridge box from Winchester that I found at an antique show.
I still see antique wood boxes at flea markets, so you can build your own if you are so inclined. They just seem to cost about double what I paid for mine 30 years ago. I have another box made out of an old Wooden packing crate for a pickle company. It pre-dates the Great Depression, at least. It still draws comments and looks at the range.

Well, you know what they say about getting old. Your post reminded me that I have two hinged-top wooden Anhauser-Busch boxes that were supposed to be copies of old boxes to carry bottles of beer in. We bought them at least 30-40 years ago and if they were copies, the originals might fit into an "era". Just my luck, I would probably use one and the PC police would bust me.

Oops, I got to looking at it and has 1876 to 1976 (I guess I bought it 32 years ago and it isn't antique). Darn! I think I will still use it at ranges. I wonder how bad the PC police would hit me, since it has 1876 on it.

That is a nice bag, but like Paul, I see mostly wooden boxes at the rondies and shootin' matches that I attend.
You can buy a wood box, but a lot of folks I know just make their own. I've seen some big ones, 14-16 inches long and 12 inches wide, with nice dovetailed corners, some with fancy carving or painting. Then there are the smaller ones, like mine.
I just threw mine together very quickly. It is 14" long, 10" wide, and 10" tall. Inside, I made two compartments. One section holds a 1 lb. can of powder, a bottle of cleaning solution, patches and felt wads. The other section has two little drawers that lift out. On the bottom I keep a box of roundballs, a little tack hammer, pair of pliers, screwdriver, tube of Bore Butter, and a bag of patch/cleaning material. Above that sits the first drawer. In that I have my spare jags, patch pullers and such as that, extra flints, and whatnot. In the top drawer I keep several powder measures, cappers, an extra tin of caps, pencils, a pocket knife, tacks, and whatever.
Many shooters attach a strap to their box so that they can carry it over their shoulder. I just put a brass cabinet handle on mine and carry it with that.
At the chunkgun shoots a lot of guys have homemade loading/cleaning tables. Everyone has their own ideas for what works best, so no two are alike, same as with the range boxes.
I made my little folding table so the surface is 18"x 24" x 40" high. I notched two sides of the table to make a place to rest my longrifles against, and I put a large screw eye on one side and use that to hang my range rod.
My table is just big enough to put my range box on top and spread out its contents for easy access.
A leather range box is unique.