Thanks for the links to the different groups. I was afraid I was going to have to either go cold turkey :shocking:
travel long distances back to the east coast. Neither of which is a good choice. I'll probably lean toward one of the civilian militia units as that's what I do now. I tried the military units when I first started, but there was way too much marching :haha: and who in their right mind would stand in line to let the other side point guns at them anyway? :crackup:
Again, thanks very much for the contact info. :master: I probably won't be in St. Louis until some time near the end of the summer now, but I'll stay in touch. I'll actually be doing a F&I event myself in NJ on the 5th. What's so great about this event is that I get to use my new gun for the first time at this event. I just finished building it this past weekend. Major rush building up here. :winking:
Enjoy your weekend.