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Revolutionary War muskets recovered

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I do not blame for some on here calling for stiffer penalties. Think about the provenance of those pieces. Also think about what was endured and during what times they were produced. I am in awe of many people on here and what they produce right now in modern times with modern tooling. I think it,s safe to say that such an act is an affront to us all.
Consider yourself blasted. Then you would be just like Spain and other European countries. Non-violent crimes, theft, car break-in, house break-ins, purse snatching aren't even pursued by the police as they know the crooks will be out in the streets before they finish paperwork...All of those non-violent crimes are rampant, so much so that you cannot keep things from getting stolen and God forbid you assault somebody stealing your stuff.....you go to jail and they walk free.

Your "idea" has lots of negative unintended consequences...like the mass group thefts from stores..no prosecution no deterrence. Jails are for criminals...commit the crime, do the time.

These turds stole hundreds of thousand, if not millions of dollars work of antique guns. They should at least get a few months of "quiet reflection" in jail. Stern looks and harsh talking to doesn't work.
Probably their age and health had something to do with the sentencing too?
It always AMAZED me why someone would steal a ONE OFF or a historically significant item, You can't display it or advertise it. But MUST kept it hidden from all who might sell you out. As mentioned if the OLD BOY had passed before being caught, It's very likely that the item would go UNNOTICED, in an Estate sale or auction. All history and Provenance would be lost.I would bet that there are a lot of PRECIOUS at least in sentiment, G.I. weapons out there that may have traded hands , That have been unknowingly stolen at one time or another......Be Safe>>>>>>>>>>>Wally
It always AMAZED me why someone would steal a ONE OFF or a historically significant item, You can't display it or advertise it. But MUST kept it hidden from all who might sell you out. As mentioned if the OLD BOY had passed before being caught, It's very likely that the item would go UNNOTICED, in an Estate sale or auction. All history and Provenance would be lost.I would bet that there are a lot of PRECIOUS at least in sentiment, G.I. weapons out there that may have traded hands , That have been unknowingly stolen at one time or another......Be Safe>>>>>>>>>>>Wally
It is like stealing a Rembrandt or Picasso. You cant display it unless you never have visitors etc, Can't show it off, can't even really talk about it, yet every years paintings are bought and sold on the Black market. Go figure!
Blast me if you want- but prison time should be given to violent criminals. Yes, he stole those guns. But I don’t think he’s a threat to commit a violent crime on anyone. Keep prison space for the true threats among us.
I'm not gonna blast you, but, in my experience everyone feels this way... until someone breaks in their house and steals their BluRay player.
Blast me if you want- but prison time should be given to violent criminals. Yes, he stole those guns. But I don’t think he’s a threat to commit a violent crime on anyone. Keep prison space for the true threats among us.
I have no stomach for thieves or anyone who goes light on them. Theft is every bit as heinous as violent crime as it is every bit an attack your person as assault and no difference should be given between them . If he's willing to break the law to take your property he is willing to break the law to take your life. We all work way too hard to earn and pay for what we have to allow light punishment for those who would remove our property and the toil it took to purchase it.

I don't care how old this human debris are, they deserve long prison sentences at hard labor even if it kills them. They denied others of their property for half a century, make them pay for that half century of loss.
It’s great the artifacts were returned. Not great that this guy got away with a lifetime of thefts, but it’s too late to change that now. At this point the situation probably isn’t worth getting worked up over.
Yes stealing is terrible. But if you are the judge of an area with low funding and limited jail space, are you going to put away either a petty thief or a criminal with a record of violent assault? I have had 2 break ins, they took an old welded shut shotgun I had there with an apple air tag in the stock. Sheriffs department wouldn’t act on it. Friend has over 12 guns with a value of $15000 stolen, he knew who did it. On camera, once again, no investigation. “ they are out of state, we won’t get them.” Is the standard answer.
There is a big difference between being a thief and being a murderer. Things are just things and like it or not, you can get by without them or they can be replaced etc. A life can never be replaced. IMHO:)
So what happens when the Crackhead is funding his habit on other people's property,and he is confronted unexpectedly by the Owner? Someone gets Maimed or Killed. Best to put him in jail for at least 90 days, and while he's there make him take REHAB ,it's not like he's doing any thing else.There would be plenty of room in our jails if Justice moved a little more swiftly.Death Penalty= 120 days.GONE. Make Criminals do ALL their time 90 days=90 days. Make Jail a place where Nobody wants to go.. Sheriff Joe Arpio of MARICOPA CO. ARIZONA was doing a GREAT job of that before the BLEEDING HEARTS stopped him. The State of NEBRASKA is renting jail space from counties that have less Crime (rural) . So some prisoners do their time 450 miles from home. Give them the FULL incarcerated experience , Maybe they will clean up their act, and become a productive member of SOCIETY......Be Safe>>>>>Wally
Consider yourself blasted. Then you would be just like Spain and other European countries. Non-violent crimes, theft, car break-in, house break-ins, purse snatching aren't even pursued by the police as they know the crooks will be out in the streets before they finish paperwork...All of those non-violent crimes are rampant, so much so that you cannot keep things from getting stolen and God forbid you assault somebody stealing your stuff.....you go to jail and they walk free.

Your "idea" has lots of negative unintended consequences...like the mass group thefts from stores..no prosecution no deterrence. Jails are for criminals...commit the crime, do the time.

These turds stole hundreds of thousand, if not millions of dollars work of antique guns. They should at least get a few months of "quiet reflection" in jail. Stern looks and harsh talking to doesn't work.

Correct Chorizo.
American history validates all leftist controlled states & especially larger cities are controlled by mafia politicians / lawyers who have been in bed with the criminal element for decades.
America's borders, economy, morals & ethics have been trashed since our mock 2020 elections allowed president dementia & the leftist's Marxist federal agencies to ban freedom of speech, morals, ethics, individual & property rights, our 2nd amendment & religion.

Real question is,, will this generation of millions of armed Americans continue to remain docile & continue allow a handful of treasonous politicians' to disarm them & overthrow our nation from within,, in the same manner as all other third world dictatorships ?

Patriotic folks from the January 6th demonstration continue being held in a Soviet style Gulag, they have been forgotten by our rinos.
President Trump was America's 2nd George Washington, unfortunately we lacked the will to help him help 'us' empty the political toilets our apathy created. Will true Americans 'again' allow leftists who are in charge vote-counting in every State to rig the 2024 elections & administer the death blow to America ?
I can't imagine how anyone ( unless it is an inside job ) can steal large flintlock rifles/pistols out of the Museum of the American Revolution in Philadelphia. Our family toured that place in 2018 and noticed glass around ALL display cases protecting the guns from public hands. If you have never been to that museum, you can see a little about it below:

No, these items were taken from sites long before the new Museum was even built. In the 1970's many small, lightly secured museums that had existed in something of a 'dream world' became the targets for young turk 'collectors' who would stop at nothing to obtain collectibles. During the 60's, the Civil War craze saw many tiny, county-level museums being stripped of highly valuable items by smooth-talking "dealers" or "benefactors" who might claim to conserve that valuable cannon, or that rare Berdan's Sharpshooter's coat in exchange for a new roof or some such. Innocent caretakers, un-aware 'curators' fell for all manner of schemes to liberate relics that had 'slept' for years untouched. There was a small museum of rare WW1 relics brought back by vets from the Great War that was burgled and stripped of relics near a national landmark; the anti-tank weapon is probably still missing; much of this activity wasn't perpetrated by professional criminals, but by driven 'collectors' looking to claim history for themselves or maybe a fast re-sale buck. Just my opinion only. Many years ago, before security in general tightened up, there were one or more "scholars" who would to to high-end rare book libraries and razor-cut extremely rare prints from antique books and sneak out with them rolled up in their pants. Greed knows no boundary. :confused: