As far as your question, "Are these groups normal?" is concerned, I would think that getting 6 pages of comments there is something not normal about them.
Since the subject targets are the results of a first time shooting of the rifle and you don't know where the zero is for the relationship of the bullet trajectory to the sight picture, your comments are with respect to the point of aim to the group point of impact.
My observation of normality is the group size. The farther distance group should be about twice the size of the 30 yard group. The rise of the farther group with respect to the 30 yard group has everything to do with the relationship of the line of sight to the bore of the barrel. So the height above the target being higher at 50 yards than 30 yards is not unlikely if the true zero was about 125 yards. We have the benefit of all those ballistics tables to show that.
Yes, please go to your normal range. Practice to get the group size consistent and small. Shoot some targets at known ranges. Shoot 5 shot groups. Start a new thread with your updated results.