Charley, the reble:
Most of the old time rifling heads were made out of wood ( hickery).Now I don't know what kind of wood there are in Germany but you need a hard wood. Take a piece of hard wood about 7 inches long, turn 6 inches to a diameter that will slide in the bore and turn 1 inch length to 1/4 inch diameter, this will be the pull end. The pull end will be threaded to 1/4 x 28 thread. Now you have to cut a notch, place to put the cutter in. The cutter has to fit tight and has to be on the center line of the rifling head. You can use brass for the rifling head but not mild steel as mild steel will gauld and bind.
I make the cutters out of HS Tool steel,1/8-3/16 square tool bits.You have to get a piece of tool sttel to fit the notch in the wood. The notch has to be deep enough so the cutter will go below the surface of the rifling head.
To make the hocked cutter you have grind some of the cutter down to leave a square face ( about 1/4- 1/3 the length of cutter) on the tool bit. This will give you a cutting face to work with. Now you need abour 2 to5 degrees on top for clearence. You will have to grind the sides of the cutter to get the width and clearence. The sides have to ground on a back angle to get your clearence and have a cutting edge.
To get the width of the rifling cutter, first you have to figure the circumference of the bore. Example: 50 caliber, .500 diameter x 3.14159= 1.57096 inches cir. If you want even lands & grooves, say 8, you just divide by 16 because you have 8 lands and 8 grooves. If you want uneven grooves and lands you can figure them with a percent, 80% groove-land 20%, 70% groove- land 30% and divide by the number of grooves or lands.
Hope this helps