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Rich guys may have had wheellocks. It was smoldering match for Joe Average.
Funny you said that. I was watching the movie, The New World on Amazon Prime the other night. It's the story of Pocahontas, John Smith, John Rolfe, etc. One scene an Indian steals a hatchet and a colonist shoots him in the back with a wheel lock pistol. I was like "oh historical innacuracy". Then I looked up when wheel locks were invented, the 1500's. The movie was set in 1620, so there very well could've been some colonists who brought their personal wheel locks over with them.
Funny you said that. I was watching the movie, The New World on Amazon Prime the other night. It's the story of Pocahontas, John Smith, John Rolfe, etc. One scene an Indian steals a hatchet and a colonist shoots him in the back with a wheel lock pistol. I was like "oh historical innacuracy". Then I looked up when wheel locks were invented, the 1500's. The movie was set in 1620, so there very well could've been some colonists who brought their personal wheel locks over with them.
Better than Shogun, where it takes place in 1600 and the main character has a 1700s flintlock pistol.

What’s particularly surprising, is that potential evidence for the matchlock is only around 25 years before evidence for the wheellock and definitive evidence of the matchlock is only around 1500