round ball impact.

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Heard some time back from a mutual acquaintance that he's real busy with photography and on one of those sites, so he's still kicking.

Haven't heard from him to know why, but I'm guessing he's dropped off this one for the most part. Sure miss his no-nonsense, malarkey busting shooting tests. He caused a lot of fights simply by shooting first before typing the same old thing guys had been typing for years.
I've missed him too. Like Brown Bear said, Roundball posted his real world hands on experience. No "parroting" of internet wisdom. He was polite to everyone no matter if they were a greenhorn or a hivernant. I've missed his contributions.
colorado clyde said:
swamp chicken said:
A complete pass thru is allways better than a single hole.(think, holding your finger on a drinking straw of liquid, a vacuum is formed,or little blood loss) Two holes equal massive blood loss.

NO!, That is neither accurate or true.

Bullets kill by causing damage.
They disrupt or sever nerve signals
Sever arteries causing blood loss.
They break bones
stop heart or lung function.
and damage organs stopping their function.

A bullet that passes cleanly through without doing any of those things will not kill an animal, however it may die from subsequent infection or starvation.

The further a bullet penetrates, the more chance it has to do any or all of the things listed. Assuming the same entry point and "path" of the bullet, I'll take one that penetrates farther any day! :v
pass thru or not ya still gotta hit the boiler room, if ya do yer done and meat fer the freezer.

That said my first bull elk with BP was done with a .50 RB (oh, four of em actually). Never had to shoot one more than once with a .54 or .58 (except a few that were spined and a finishin shot needed). Go BIG