5650”“TRADE GUN or FOWLER (a.k.a. SMOOTHBORE)”“A traditional offhand hunting firearm originally intended to shoot either round ball or
shot. Flintlock only. No set triggers. 28ga. (54 caliber) minimum. No rear sight above the plane of the barrel.
CoyoteJoe said:"For our use and enjoyment, we do not need confusion at competitions."
Seems to me the way to reduce "confusion" is to let people shoot what they have.
If somebody gets their knickers in a twist because one guy has a rear sight the answer is "you're free to add one yourself if you wish". What could be simpler?
5640”“SIGHTED SMOOTHBORE (a.k.a. SMOOTH RIFLE)”“A Traditional Offhand Hunting firearm with the following added restrictions. Sights
on these rifles shall be fixed open, front and rear. Barrel must be free of any rifling, or smooth bored. No limitations on caliber.
:haha:9060”“SIGHTED SMOOTHBORE (a.k.a. SMOOTH RIFLE)”“A traditional style long gun with a barrel with no rifling (smooth bored). Smooth rifle
may have set triggers and fixed open sights, front and rear. No limitations on bore size or caliber.
Richard/Ga. said:Coyote Joe, the simplest thing would be for the person wanting to use a trade gun equipped with a rear sight to simply knock his/her rear sight out and conform to the rules like the rest of us. That person could replace the sight after the match.
I have had a belly-full of the majority being expected to change rules to satisfy the minority.
5650”“TRADE GUN or FOWLER (a.k.a. SMOOTHBORE)”“A traditional offhand hunting firearm originally intended to shoot either round ball or
shot. Flintlock only. No set triggers. 28ga. (54 caliber) minimum. No rear sight above the plane of the barrel.
9050”“SMOOTHBORE”“A traditional style long gun originally intended to shoot either round ball or shot. The smoothbore must be of 28 ga. (.54
caliber) or larger. No rear sight above the plane of the barrel, no set triggers. Smoothbores that are acceptable in the primitive smoothbore matches
include musket, fowler and trade gun.
7031”“Musket: a muzzleloading shoulder arm having a smooth bore and a barrel length exceeding 36 inches.
CoyoteJoe said:"For our use and enjoyment, we do not need confusion at competitions."
Seems to me the way to reduce "confusion" is to let people shoot what they have.
If somebody gets their knickers in a twist because one guy has a rear sight the answer is "you're free to add one yourself if you wish". What could be simpler?
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