Okay, Slake, you have me. What is CRC? thanks. I don't use WD40 for anything below freezing. I clean my guns with alcohol to remove all oils and grease, for winter shooting. I use Wonder Lube 1000, or what ever name it is currently being sold as for my patches in cold weather, and leave the spit in my mouth. The little shooting I do in the winter can be done with no lube on the parts without wearing them out. I used to host a First of the Year Shoot at my gun club to get everyone out and shooting in the winter so they could learn how to make their guns function, and learn to enjoy the cold weather. We sometimes had our best turnouts for that shoot each year. If something needed lubricating, I would be inclined to use my patch lube for that, rather than any oil or lubricating grease. There are silicon greases on the market that don't harden in the cold that can be used, and I would not hesitate to do so if I was going on a winter trek, where I would be shooting every day. A little dab will do ya, as the saying went, so don't over do the grease.