OK.... Since ya do need to sell it, don't build a Bedford. Nothing wrong with the rifle except few people buy them or shoot them because they are strange to shoulder.
I suggest you build a Tennn Mtn. rifle, a Southern Mountain rifle, a Bucks County, or a Lancaster style of rifle. Those would sell easier than a Bedford, IMHO. :hmm: A good clean built Lancaster is a hard rifle to beat as most anyone can shoulder it & they don't need a bunch of fancy stuff to make them look good.
I suggest you build a Tennn Mtn. rifle, a Southern Mountain rifle, a Bucks County, or a Lancaster style of rifle. Those would sell easier than a Bedford, IMHO. :hmm: A good clean built Lancaster is a hard rifle to beat as most anyone can shoulder it & they don't need a bunch of fancy stuff to make them look good.