Would 60 grains of 2ffg or 1fg also be legal just for perspective of what idiot made that law? please
OH it'a whackadoodle down here...,
So until recently, it was 60 grains minimum charge of black powder for a rifle or shotgun when hunting deer, BUT 40 grains for a handgun. No granulation specified. Caliber minimum was .40.
HOW is it OK to take a deer with a 40 grain load with a handgun, BUT not ok to do the same with a rifle? Range limitation would be the same for that load, but the rifle would be easy for accuracy due to the longer sight plane....
Many counties forbade fixed ammunition rifles, allowing only shotguns and muzzleloaders for deer. The reason for this was too many goofballs had hit houses with bullets from modern fixed ammo, by not paying attention to having a backstop when shooting at a deer. BUT it was perfectly OK for folks to buy something modern that fit the "muzzleloader requirements" and launch a 400 grain lead alloy .45 caliber bullet while using four pyrodex-30 pellets (120 grains) or two to three pyrodex-50 pellets (100-150 grains), ... yep that was fine...,
So the guy with a fixed cartridge using 70 grains of BP and a 405 grain lead alloy bullet was verboten, but the same guy could exceed that cartridge with his muzzleloader load.
NOW, they have decided that modern stuff with "straight walls" is OK during "regular" deer season, not just pistol cartridge carbines..., so there are some guys out there with some serious firepower AND there is a LOT more encroachment on hunting lands by home builders....
They went to a phone-in deer "checking" system, instead of the old "checking station " policy. So the hunter takes a buck, and is legally supposed to take two doe before using that extra-antlered-deer-stamp..., and IF you're like me you leave the "Patriarch Buck" alone because a) you can't eat antlers b) 3 year old doe are tasty while a 5 year old buck not as much, and c) that Patriarch Buck likes to keep his harem on the hobby farm where I hunt while he skulks around across the street... as long as he keeps his does where I hunt, we have an "understanding"...
So IF a poacher checks in the first buck as a doe, who is to know? IF the poacher checks in his first buck legit by phone, what's stopping him from calling in two bogus doe kills, and then the next deer he actually takes is another buck? We can take a large number of doe where I am, but some guys love antler. They've found guys in possession of too many bucks but they are "checked in" to the old man in the nursing home who didn't go hunting,....,
So I think our deer numbers are too high for my state, which would explain why we don't dent the deer overpopulation problem... BUT what does one expect from the state that instituted the "rain tax" ?