shipping problem UPS

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Was shipping a handgun to a service center by UPS. Told them I wanted insurance on it. She asked what was in it . I told her cookies. She said that's a lot of insurance for cookies. I replied it was an old family recipe. Mark

I always do an online label, add appropriate insurance, pack in a box with FFL and hand it to either a hub clerk or have it picked up. Same for USPS. No questions, no answers, no "shipping counter attorneys" or other nonsense.
Dont kid yourself. All 3 carriers have their problems. The biggest problem I have with UPS is that their mechanical package sorting system smashes packages like the Samsonite gorillas are working there. If I were a UPS employee, I would be embarrassed to deliver smashed up packages, EMPTY packages, packages that look like an accordian. I get them every day like that at work. I have the best luck with the post office really.
FED EX??? Just had Fed Ex mis-deliver a package addressed to me; Adult Signature required. They left it at the wrong address, signed my name (incorrectly) as their Adult Signature, left the package on the porch of the wrong house where no one was home; package sat out at 9 degrees overnight. Fortunately, when the neighbor got home the next day they called me to tell me they had the package. The I called FedEx, they could not have cared less. No more for me!
Same experience here. Forged my signature and left it at my neighbor's house.
FED EX??? Just had Fed Ex mis-deliver a package addressed to me; Adult Signature required. They left it at the wrong address, signed my name (incorrectly) as their Adult Signature, left the package on the porch of the wrong house where no one was home; package sat out at 9 degrees overnight. Fortunately, when the neighbor got home the next day they called me to tell me they had the package. The I called FedEx, they could not have cared less. No more for me!

I've had UPS do the same. Forge my signature and left it on the side of the road 3/4 of a mile from my house. Got an email update from UPS saying it was delivered to my front door.
I once had UPS leave 25 pounds of bp on my front porch..... in a residential neighborhood.
And we weren’t home at the time, luckily it was still there when I came home..

That has been my only bad experience with them..and I have used them several times since.

USPS , is iffy at best... They will ship antique or muzzle loading parts/guns, but you may have too speak too the Post Master instead of the window clerk...

Fed Ex, I personally haven’t used that much
experience with...

Remember bp guns aren’t considered fire arms....

DMM Revision: Mailing Firearms — Clarification
Effective November 7, 2011, the Postal Service™ will revise Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) 601.12.1 through 601.12.3 to clarify the standards surrounding the mailability of firearms.

These clarifications were prepared in collaboration with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), and neither expands nor limits the current requirements for the shipment of firearms through the U. S. Postal Service®. Prior to this clarification, firearms mailing options were only provided to the prospective mailer through an ATF contact. The primary purpose of this article is to provide clarity for those individuals seeking advice on the mailing of firearms and related items and to help reduce the number of questions submitted to the ATF.

Additionally, the Postal Service is providing guidelines for the mailing of air guns, which reflect reasonable practices commonly used in the industry.

Postmasters may provide these revised guidelines to firearms mailers immediately.

Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)

* * * * *

600 Basic Standards for All Mailing Services

601 Mailability

* * * * *

12.0 Other Restricted and Nonmailable Matter

[Revise title of 12.1 as follows:]

12.1 Firearms

12.1.1 Definitions

The terms used in this standard are defined as follows:

[Delete current items 12.1.1a and 12.1.1g in their entirety and replace with the following.]

a. Firearm means any device, including a starter gun, which will, or is designed to, or may readily be converted to, expel a projectile by the action of an explosive; the frame or receiver of any such weapon; any firearm muffler or firearm silencer; or any destructive device; but the term shall not include an antique firearm.
I went to ship two ramrods by UPS today. I have shipped them for over twenty years with no problems. Today the clerk asked what was in the tube, I told him two ramrods. He said they can not ship any gun parts of any kind. Tomorrow I will go to a different place and ship a two piece fishing rod!
Not surprised. They don't know a ramrod from a hole in the ground. I recently shipped two separate ML barrel sections, less that a foot each long. Just the steel tubing. Stated they were antique 'wrenches'...had I said rifle barrel sections, they'd still be here....
As stated wooden dowels, these are trying times you have to think out side the box, not lying they are wood and basically dowels. If you have to ship gun parts and am asked what's in the box tell them machine parts, ( you could ask them why and state, grown particular have ya) not lying they are parts and they are for a mechanical device = machine parts. TRYING TIMES
Yeah, you go it!
That clerk gave her personal policy or maybe that Shipping store's policy, that is not UPS policy. I get gun parts shipped to me by UPS.
Those "shipping stores" are notorious for being afraid of anything related. I shipped a wooden stock once, a short shotgun butt piece only, and you'd think it was live rattlesnakes. Sculpture is a good dodge.
Just say you are shipping "sporting goods". Or, if its a rifle, golf clubs. Regardless of what these morons think, you are shipping this stuff legally.
I ship out guns weekly at my local Post Office. Once they realized that I had no intention of risking the Grey Bar Hilton to save someone lese a few bucks, they no longer even ask to verify the FFL. Plus, USPS has always paid off on damage loss claims. FedEx and UPS, not so much.

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