Because you are looking for sabots, try looking for shop cups to reload shotshells. A .410 shot cup should work in a .45 rifle.
Oh give me a break. If you ingest lead, then yes there are risks, however merely handling lead will not do harm as long as you do as I mentioned. Breathing lead fumes when casting is an issue but done in a well ventilated area the risk is minimal. You've got a bigger risk for cancer eating junk food.the powder is a mild lung irritant, solvents can be toxic but most aren't these days, and the projectiles I use are either full copper or jacketed sabot bullets. Lead is a carcinogenic neurotoxin, and a potent one at that.
Back in the 70s there was a plastic wad made in Dubois Wy. Cupped on both ends and was intended to hold a round ball without a patch. I tried it in my 50 cal Hawken style rifle using shot. It seemed to be good to about 10-12 yards... no more than that. Got a pheasant with it that flushed almost at my feet. Hit him point blank. Never came close to another one after that. I got that out of my system very quickly. Smooth bores for me ever since.Have any of you tried shooting shot out of your rifles using a plastic shot cup? I know it's not traditional, but could avoid the rifling deforming the shot, although it would still rotate the cup. I don't know whether commercially available cups would fit standard muzzle loader calibers.