I is old and sore, but still getting out and burning powder. My "squaw" turns 70 this winter but I still appreciate a warm fire, snug blankets, and Old Forester straight in a glass.
For some unknown reason or lapse in sanity we just adopted a female standard French poodle puppy born on 8/11 to keep our six year old male (neutered) Airedale company, and the house is a wreck. A damp wreck. First female puppy. What is it with female puppies and submissive peeing? God makes them cute so you don't kill them.
For some unknown reason or lapse in sanity we just adopted a female standard French poodle puppy born on 8/11 to keep our six year old male (neutered) Airedale company, and the house is a wreck. A damp wreck. First female puppy. What is it with female puppies and submissive peeing? God makes them cute so you don't kill them.