I was not happy how Bessy felt yesterday so remembering my center fire reloading days, " if in doubt add more fuel".
I upped the fine powder charge to 80grns and boy did she like it.
Much better combustion, keen recoil and what I like best no variation in recoil, like I had yesterday.
Must add, ole' Bessy performed perfectly in the rain and damp dank weather. She was blooming in rust but refused to complain.
Anyway I used a brick wall on a disused building as a target.
In the image below is three impacts.
Shot one struck the brick I was aiming at. Shot two went high. Shot three is with shot one.
I was thrilled to say the least however Bessy made her point that I can not take her for granted by dutifully cutting a finger via her flint!
The same charge under shot works too. I was trying to shelter from heavy rain at one point and found an old wasp nest so used it for wadding and got a couple of squirrels.
So ole'Bessy has been holding out on me!
Turns out she likes big balls and fast powder!
Now she is working with me, the dark horse!
She had the works cleaning wise and is sparkling again.
Why aren't smoothbores more popular?