Hello from Germany!
Checking the baits the last 3 weeks made me recognizing that these critters won't come in the evening and won't come in the early morning. So I had the plan to go out in the late morning at about 08:30 p.m. So I took my .50 Deerhunter and my baitbucket and walked slowly along a trail uphill. After about 100 meters, always watching into the forest beside the trail, I saw something grey behind a bush under a furtree. So I went down, grabbed the Deerhunter from my shoulder, get up slowly again and looked. The grey thing was still there. It was a roe, not recognizing that it was in great danger. I aimed shortly and then BOOM! I saw it breaking down through the smoke. I reloaded quickly, but it died in its tracks. When I went to the place of harvest I saw that it still moves with the legs and the mouth, so I gave it a "gameover" shot. Then I started field dressing. During this I noticed that the second shot wouldn't have been necessary because the .490 RB went through the left side, scratched the stomache, went through the diaphragm, the liver and got stuck in the down lounge. It weight was 18 kg field dressed, distance was 25 m, charge 90 grs WANO PP, .490 PRB 0.010'' lubed patch, spittled wad.
The unlucky thing is that I only had my conventional cam with me so the pics have to be developed first. Will post them asap.
Checking the baits the last 3 weeks made me recognizing that these critters won't come in the evening and won't come in the early morning. So I had the plan to go out in the late morning at about 08:30 p.m. So I took my .50 Deerhunter and my baitbucket and walked slowly along a trail uphill. After about 100 meters, always watching into the forest beside the trail, I saw something grey behind a bush under a furtree. So I went down, grabbed the Deerhunter from my shoulder, get up slowly again and looked. The grey thing was still there. It was a roe, not recognizing that it was in great danger. I aimed shortly and then BOOM! I saw it breaking down through the smoke. I reloaded quickly, but it died in its tracks. When I went to the place of harvest I saw that it still moves with the legs and the mouth, so I gave it a "gameover" shot. Then I started field dressing. During this I noticed that the second shot wouldn't have been necessary because the .490 RB went through the left side, scratched the stomache, went through the diaphragm, the liver and got stuck in the down lounge. It weight was 18 kg field dressed, distance was 25 m, charge 90 grs WANO PP, .490 PRB 0.010'' lubed patch, spittled wad.
The unlucky thing is that I only had my conventional cam with me so the pics have to be developed first. Will post them asap.