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freekforge said:
Paul I am carrying pretty much the exact same gun except mine is a brass frame and I cut the barrel down to 3 5/8" Mikes gun is actually the inspiration for the one I made.

hawkeye that is exactly the one I am talking about I saw it and it look like it would feel awesome in the hand

As far as the legalities go in my state (Indiana) title 35 article 47 chapter 2 deals with the carrying of a handgun (we are a handgun state not a weapon state)section 19 (IC 35-47-2-19) exempts blackpowder guns from this chapter "Application of chapter
Sec. 19. This chapter does not apply to any firearm not designed to use fixed cartridges or fixed ammunition, or any firearm made before January 1, 1899.
As added by P.L.311-1983, SEC.32."

so legally I can carry concealed or openly as long as it doesn't accept fixed ammunition or was made before jan. 1 1899

Just some advice you might want to check more into this. I'm also in Indiana I have looked into this a lot and while you might be right most officers won't see it that way. There is a Indiana gun owners forum and this topic pops up about once a month.

If I was me I would have a copy of the
IC 35-47-2-19 printed out with me at all times.
freekforge said:
I agree with a single dog and an alpha male attitude I have been able to get several to back down....but the last 4 or 5 run ins with a dog have been 2 or more dogs :(

I agree with statement above:

Kids :shake:

Also have to wonder about the uncle who needed 11 rounds of .45 and still didn't kill the dog.....
I am one of them who asked on INGO I also carry a copy of 35-47-2-19 in my wallet and also have it memorized :gr

Va.Manuf.06 you should read some of the reports on pitbull shootings one took 11 12ga slugs to the head :shocked2: also my uncle was a firearms instructor for the dept. a sgt. on one dept. and the town marshall in another town. He has also told me about it taking only one shot behind the ear :idunno:
Sounds good make sure you carry it. I have to say most LEO don't know all the laws any better then normal people.

I read a report today about a guy getting shot 11 times with a 45 cal. And didn't Black Beard get shot 30 times before he feel? That would have been 45-50 cal right?

It is all about shot placement and when something it trying to kill you it is hard to "aim" at anything. Give me a big round and a lot of them.
Rev_William said:
Either carry bear mace and/or a smal leather strap and get good at snapping them on the nose. Bear mace has a higher capsicum ratio and a freind in MT used it on a car theif. It literally burned his retnas so the theif is permanatly blind. It also works gangbusters on grizzly's. once they're blind if they havent run off pretty simple to slit a throat

invitation is always open to almost anywhere here in Alaska...bring your 'bear mace' as our grizzly's love it... we lose around 3 or 4 folks a year that underestimate our grizzly's ... about slitting their throat after they are blind??? I wouldn't get throat slitting close to an angry and enraged grizzly up here on a bet for the "slitting" program. only thing that de-suede's a mad grizz here is a 12 gauge slug or three or a very large rifle with enough recoil to do damage to the shooter as well as the bear.

there are almost always 'other' methods to resort to when dealing with deadly force. deadly force is not looked upon when in the same conversation with a cap-n-ball revolver... for a very good reason...they are all but the dragoons... pretty lite in the britches in the power dept. ... its why they are considered a "non firearm" by the ATF&E. this seems like a posting that is designed for debate and I promised myself I wouldn't partake ... yet look at me go.

if big dogs are a problem and there are no other ways to get around the problem then a 12 gauge in plain open site would be my first weapon of choice and let slide the concealed stuff. dig rite down to the marrow of the problem and take back your lost ground once n for all and let slide those that would step aside when a person or mob wants to overtake a otherwise nice comfortable neighborhood.

if these frontal methods are un-palatable then be best to let slide any sort of retort...all or nothing...half measures avail us nothing!

that my friend is the biggest WHY of why I moved to a state where I can direct my own providence and ask non whether I can come or go.

:stir: ... :hmm: ... :doh:
When I played a "raider" on the second season of Discovery Channel's "The Colony", episode 9, "The Virus", I saw Tick, accidently, take a blast of Bear Spray directly in the face. He had trouble seeing, but, he was still on his feet and ready to defend the colony. Director called a halt and Tick took a knee, while another colonist washed his eyes out with milk. Knowing that bear spray was to be in the air, I chose to wear a Draeger gasmask for that scene.
I'm with bigted on this. You can have your pepper-spray and I'll spray lead. (Not really, but I will shoot any animal attacking me including a dog.
freekforge said:
I am one of them who asked on INGO I also carry a copy of 35-47-2-19 in my wallet and also have it memorized :gr

Va.Manuf.06 you should read some of the reports on pitbull shootings one took 11 12ga slugs to the head :shocked2:

I'm sorry but :bull: . One 12 ga. slug would remove the entire brain of any large dog, including that of a pitbull. 11 would completely destroy the entire body breaking bones, tearing muscle and cartilage and dumping internal organs, not to mention blood and other bodily fluids, all over the ground. Someone has been having fun with you and your inexperience.

freekforge said:
....... also my uncle was a firearms instructor for the dept. a sgt. on one dept. and the town marshall in another town. He has also told me about it taking only one shot behind the ear :idunno:

I cast no aspersions on your Uncle and I do not doubt his experience even though the information comes from you. The statement - "about it taking only one shot behind the ear" - is, no doubt accurate, even with a frenzied dog of any size, including those that make a pitbull looks small by comparison.

This is my last statement on the subject, I am not going to play this game with you.
I don'thave any trouble with any loose dogs in my neighborhood. All my neighbors know me and mine believe in the 3 S's. shoot, shovel, and shutu By the way rememebr dogs and collars may have those bity id's implanted remove the collar, and bury the animals deep

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