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I agree with Horner75. And as far as names goes,it's in a class by itself I think.
I'll just call the owner of it "sir" myself. :surrender: :haha:

And your right, criticsm aint called for here. Thats a nice piece of work you got there and I'm glad you displayed it here Steve. Now that Ive seen what work James can do, and seeing that he's "local", I might be asking you about a knife project in the very near future if your interested James. :bow:
You have a lot of fun with that there hairsplitter Steve,, SIR! :haha:
I appreciate you showing it to us Steve. I like it! One was found in a plowed field a few miles from here several years ago.

Hi JamesG! My computer messed up and i have'nt been able to get on paleoplanet for quite a while now.
As always, Nice tomahawk you made.
As soon as i get done with my new patio project i'm doing, i'm gonna try a wrought iron spontoon type and a whole bunch of others, wrapped iron with steel bits.
Later John in n ohio
I hope my replies aren't those perceived as overly critical---I was just trying to provide a bit of historical background on the subject.

If I could make a suggestion on the handle, I'd stick with a hardwood common to your area. Striped maple would look nice, but would it have been available where you live? If I were doing it, I'd hand-hew out a handle of ash (where I live, anyway, osage orange or hickory would be other good choices depending on what's available where you are) or somesuch, and rub it down with animal oil or grease. Brass tacks, like those in the photo would really set it off. Here's a source for one piece cast, square shanked tacks that would be very appropriate:

Show us pics when it's done!

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Pichou said:
LaBonte said:
BTW - for those interested in tomahawks of all types the TRADE AXE & TOMAHAWK COLLECTORS ASSOCIATION site is back up and running

Yes Pichou as with everything in life (something that hopefully you will learn as you gain a few experience and /or years - unfortunately some don't) there is crapola mixed with the good things inlife.......learning to discern between the two is what growing "wiser" is all about.......
For some times that takes time, and years later they will discover that back when you thought you knew so well it wasn't so much after all - sometimes that takes years and sometimes much less.....just remember us "oldsters" were once your age.....respect as always works in both directions ..many of the "Peoples" councils haven't and won't even listen to you until you gain some of "that" and it's been that way for VERY long time..........maybe they knew something eh"
Steve - FWIW I looked up several originals in my books as and 6.5-7" without the bowl was typical for the later post 1840 or so spontoon tomahawks without bowls)
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You might not want to consider wearing that on your belt while trying to pass through airport security. They might treat it like they did finger nail files, etc.

:nono: :rotf: :rotf: :shake:

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