source for 11g wad punch?

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40 Cal.
Feb 7, 2005
Reaction score
Does anyone know where I can get a punch for making card wads for my Bess?
I found some smaller caliber wad punches but none in larger shotgun sizes.

Thanks! I didn't know what they were called. One more question: I'm assuming that my pedersoli bess, being .75 cal would be a 3/4" bore? so would a 3/4 inch punch work for a shot card, or would it be too loose?
Don't assume anything when it comes to bore dimensions! EVER!

Measure the bore yourself, and than buy wads or punches to make wads according to what YOU need in that gun. These guns can run from .73 to .76 caliber. And, I am willing to bet that someone out there has a "Bess " that is either smaller or larger in bore diameter than I have said here.

Measure your bore. When you order a punch, ask the person what the exact dimension of the punch is. You may have to order the next size larger. :hmm: :thumbsup:
pcrum said:
Thanks! I didn't know what they were called. One more question: I'm assuming that my pedersoli bess, being .75 cal would be a 3/4" bore? so would a 3/4 inch punch work for a shot card, or would it be too loose?
No personal experience with that and I don't like speculating or repeating things I've simply seen somebody else say, particularly when it comes to precise dimensions, etc...for example I have a couple of GM .62cal smoothbore barrels which you might assume would be .620's...but they are not...turns out that GM bores their .62cals to .610" diameter.

Someone who actually owns, shoots, and knows that caliber is bound to reply and they are who I'd recommend you listen to.
My Jap Bess measures .748", which seems to be the usual for the Miroku Besses. I bought 11 gauge wads and they work fine. I'm not going to try to mic a bunch of wads.
Find a Machine Shop in your area and see if they will make you one after Mic measuring your bore. I did this awhile back (10 years) and it cost me I think, around $20. I thought a real bargain at the time!
horner75 said:
Find a Machine Shop in your area and see if they will make you one after Mic measuring your bore.

And remember to specify a diameter enough larger than your bore that the wads will seal adequately. For example, in that size range (12, 11, & 10ga), Circle Fly wads are .011-.012 larger than the nominal bore diameter. For another, for my 16ga, with somewhat rough bores of .665", my gunsmith made me a punch that measures something around .687 (from memory - I'm at work), from a cut-off piece of full or extra-full choked 12ga barrel. That seems a bit large, but the cards load about like commercial wads of .675" and may seal a bit better in my rough bores.
