Spare Cylinders?

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Jul 26, 2014
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Southern Illinois
Hi. Okay, I know they ain’t much historical support for spare cylinders being carried for the Remys, but ever since I saw Clint Eastwood in Pale Rider swapping out cylinders to reload, I’ve thought “man that’s cool” and wanted to do it:

Been looking for setups and rigs:

Wow that’s cool. Realistic or not, it’s cool and in America we can do it!!

Anyone else ever reloaded a ball n’ cap Remington with spare cylinders? Thanks,

Hi. Okay, I know they ain’t much historical support for spare cylinders being carried for the Remys, but ever since I saw Clint Eastwood in Pale Rider swapping out cylinders to reload, I’ve thought “man that’s cool” and wanted to do it:

Been looking for setups and rigs:

Wow that’s cool. Realistic or not, it’s cool and in America we can do it!!

Anyone else ever reloaded a ball n’ cap Remington with spare cylinders? Thanks,

I like those grips...
First off, only use a cylinder designed for the brand revolver you have as they are different brand to brand. Gunsmiths specializing in BP guns should be able to help you.
Second off, you have to carry the spare cylinder capped. If you bump into something hard, or fumble and drop it on the ground, it may go off. Just a thought.

IMHO, it would be easier to carry another revolver. Which is what a lot of them did back in the day.

That also gives one another excuse for buying another gun. And another holster. And some more powder, caps and balls.

That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.
Hi. Okay, I know they ain’t much historical support for spare cylinders being carried for the Remys, but ever since I saw Clint Eastwood in Pale Rider swapping out cylinders to reload, I’ve thought “man that’s cool” and wanted to do it:

Been looking for setups and rigs:

Wow that’s cool. Realistic or not, it’s cool and in America we can do it!!

Anyone else ever reloaded a ball n’ cap Remington with spare cylinders? Thanks,


The trouble with spare cylinders is it can change your point of impact when you switch. I found that out with a target Pietta I bought some 30 years ago and added a spare cylinder. The reason is two fold, bolt notch positioning difference and chamber mouth diameter difference.
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My first handgun was a Pietta '58 Remington that I bought used in '92. When I saw Pale Rider a few years later I went and bought 2 spare cylinders and took it to the range to try that. By the end of the 3rd cylinder it was almost completely locked up from fouling.
I have a pair of 1858s and have 6 spare cylinders. Heavy, yes. But never needed 36 extra rounds in the field so only carry 1. Handy at range though. Furnishes a decent break during bench reload.
Spares for Colts ok but range and in field expedience not an issue.
They are great in any when you are bench loading.
Even Clint would have been hard pressed had he been under fire. But that's movie magic. Can pretty much consider cylinder change time to be 3x plus time under fire.
My first handgun was a Pietta '58 Remington that I bought used in '92. When I saw Pale Rider a few years later I went and bought 2 spare cylinders and took it to the range to try that. By the end of the 3rd cylinder it was almost completely locked up from fouling.

I use Ballistol on the pin and can shoot all day long. Otherwise it’s like you, on the 3rd cylinder it begins to bind up.
Hi. Okay, I know they ain’t much historical support for spare cylinders being carried ...

Sometime back I found pictures of spare cylinder pouches, purportedly from a Texas soldier in the WNA. Someday, if I remember (which is a darn big if!) I'll hunt it/them down and post it/them.

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