David Teague said:
He talking about dropping the capped cylinder on the ground... not the gun.
A woops onto a hard surface cap first could be a bad thing... :shocked2:
Myself, I have never felt the need to wear both suspenders and a belt for fear of my pants falling down.
But I very much doubt when the Remington was used for defense/offence in dire straits, if the user carried a spare cylinder uncapped when his very life may well have depended upon getting the revolver back into action quickly as possible.
"Myself, I have never felt the need to wear both suspenders and a belt for fear of my pants falling down."
No need to be condescending about it. :shake:
When I drop a 1911 magazine on the ground I have no fear of getting shot.
When I used to swap precapped fitted cylinders in and out of my Colt Dragoon back in the mid 80's I didn't think too much of it then either... until I showed up at a Cowboy shooting match a few years later and they made me cap em after the swap for safety.
My answer after that match? Carry 2 revolvers. Much faster.
"But I very much doubt when the Remington was used for defense/offence in dire straits, if the user carried a spare cylinder uncapped when his very life may well have depended upon getting the revolver back into action quickly as possible. "
I didn't know we had to risk life and limb today when "speed shooting" our cap & balls.
You can apply that same logic to Flint muskets, muzzleloading cannons, and many other black power weapons of war. We aren't fighting today for our lives for King, country, honor, or in the streets of a dusty cow town so we
can sponge and swab the bore of the cannon between shots so we don't kill crew members, we can prime our flint musket last(not first) so we don't blow our own heads off and we can swap out a preloaded cylinder on our cap & ball and then cap it with out dying in a hail of bullets.
In closing, I used to do the whole speed swap of capped cylinders in a Colt, had the wedge fitted so it would pop out with thumb pressure. I had 2 extra cylinders for my Dragoon and worked on going as fast as possible, until the day it dawned on me that I could hurt somebody by being a butter fingers kind of guy. Then it really wasn't a risk I was willing to take.
That was something like 16 years ago...
and the only time I wear both suspenders and a belt, the suspenders keep my pants up and the belt holds my pistols.