Mix a 1/2 cup of regular Listerine, with 1/2 cup of diet Pepsi, and taste that..., and if you like it then go ahead a brew the spruce beer. It was a medicinal beverage, and the mixture is the closest I have come to the actual product in taste... :barf:
OK all humor aside, are you doing a proper molasses based brew? If you are and you follow an authentic recipe, you will need to age it a good long time for it to become an actual "beverage". I'm talking 6 months to a year. The actual Colonial recipes called for them to begin drinking it right after it had been finished brewing, and the fermentation was natural and they didn't wait for it to finish, and was a by product. Spruce beer is meant to be an anti-scorbutic... keeps the scurvy away, and they didn't age it on purpose, as far as I can tell from original sources..., at least not on this side of the Atlantic. They also didn't waste good malt, when molasses worked just fine.