I have never been a fan of "rules" per se unless they had a proven value, like range rules for safety etc. I live in a HOA that has "rules, some of which make sense, and many that do not. yet, some on the HOA board etc love to enforce them. Like my neighbor who had 6 plants on his steps during the holidays, when the rules said 4. really? I'm sorry, I have zero time for that bull, just someone being in charge because they can be, enforcing a rule of no value. IMHO Censorship is always a problem in my opinion because it always starts with good intentions and then ends up being what the person in charge likes or dislikes. I'm 72 goin on 73 and have in the Service(USMC), been in Gvot DOD, and the Corp world, moved 10-12 times, worked in NYC, LA, Chicago, Phila , Phoenix etc...I learned to have a thick skin and roll with the punches and found that getting upset because someone voices a different opinion, or in a different manner really never did anything to change my life or alter my world. I listen, decide what makes sense, and move on. done. I do not need someone looking out for my "best interest", because sometimes hearing other perspectives is challenging and forces you to reasses your own beliefs. IMHO etc.