@Jack Barnes , Don't mean to keep flogging a dead horse, but to reiterate what
@Johnny Too-Tall said above, if you can save up enough to get the Kibler (or any other quality American kit, for that matter - Chambers, Caywood, etc)
and can successfully complete it*, you can have a squirrel rifle worth more than your investment. Don't count on that with the Italian and Spanish guns. I'm retired and have to watch the dollars, but sell things, trade around, etc to fund my hobby. So far,
discounting labor, its a zero sum gain, which is all I ask.
I resisted for a long time myself, but have to admit Jim Kibler hit a home run with the little SMR. If there is squirrel rifle perfection, this is getting close to it. (I can't believe I just said that - I'm a pathological perfectionist detail person, and basically cant be pleased - NOTHING's perfect LOL).
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* A big caveat, and a plus for the Kiblers, as they require less skill to complete.