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Squirrel Season Starts

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Those Spartan Mosquito Eradicators are interesting. Here's a 4 minute video that talks about what they are, and how many are needed.

With my 62 years in Georgia I found mosquitoes to nearly a year round pest in my native state. But as bad as mosquitoes can be, and they can be truly bad down there, ticks scare me more. Never got a tick on me until about 15 or 20 years ago. Something BIG & BAD obviously took place recently. Malaria & yellow fever used to be the diseases could kill you in the deep South; now it's tick borne diseases.
30+% of the reviews on Amazon said they didn't work. Plenty of gnats and a few house flies but few, if any, mosquitoes were in the trap.
They said you can put sugar, salt, yeast and borate in a bottle with water and it does the same thing under tested conditions ... NOTHING.

"March 16, 2019

This product is a scam.

The “active” ingredients are salt and sugar.

You know, Malaria is a global problem. Don’t you think that if salt (aka sodium chloride) and sugar (aka sucrose) could actually reduce or eradicate mosquitoes, this product would win the inventor the Nobel Prize?

The trap will collect some flies and bugs attracted to the sugar, but no mosquitoes.

Also, if you write a “bad” review, the sellers contact you and tell you that you aren’t “installing” it correctly. You see, you have to put just the right number of traps in just the right locations in your yard. Yeah, right."
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Okay, I took my grandson out yesterday and he saw one squirrel and I saw none, but did hear a couple where we were hunting. The hunt was part of a hunt sponsored by a couple of local organizations and Kansas Wildlife Parks and Tourism to introduce folks to squirrel hunting. It was a nice outing and the organizations provided an elk burger lunch and demonstrations of cleaning squirrels. Several of the other hunters in different areas were successful and brought in some squirrels. They used unmentionable shot guns. My grandson used an unmentionable 22 and I carried my 32.

On the issue of ticks and mosquitos, I wore some clothing and shoes that had been treated with permethrin and also used Deep Woods Off. My grandson used Off only. We did get bothered a bit by mosquitos, but not bad considering how wet things have been around here. He did find one tick and I had none. I think the permethrin is good stuff if you are willing to use it.

We are excited to get back out again and try our luck.