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Do I have to learn new cuss words to shot a flint or will the old ones do?

Depends on yourself. If you can raise a puppy without resorting to violence, you can shoot a flintlock.

I did have to learn to use [censored], [really censored] and [holy cow is that censored!] in my vocabulary, but most of what I picked up around sailors and cheerleaders was sufficient.
Looks like I'll have to loan Olie my American Dictionary of Cussology. Some folks get it confused with Websters, but it is called Flubsters instead. :haha:
Yes it's a flinter (Can't believe you even asked that). Olie got the barrel from Ed Rayl and it isn't real long, I should go and measure it and I know it's smaller thatn 13/16's.

Got a couple of important questions for you.

1. What is the number/address for Rayl barrels?
2. How much did that .25 caliber barrel cost?
3. How did someone determine the charge weights for the .25?
(and would 4Fg work instead of 3Fg powder?)
4. Could I get the barrel in 13/16, or 7/8, or 15/16, or 1",
so that I could make a "swap in/out" .25 caliber gun.
5. Would this be capable of really high velocities?
6. How accurate is the .25cal guns that you know of?
7. I thought a .28 caliber would be nice (using the
.27cal#3 buck shot for round ball, as it weights a nice
30gr--like a .22 short bullet)
8. That 1:48" twist seems too slow by my calculations.
A .25cal should have a 1:37.5" twist minimum... is Rayl
capable of making the barrels with faster twist?
9. Is this a "round groove" barrel or conventional grooves?

Sorry for all the questions, but you're saving me a LOT of headaches if I determine that I really don't want to do this project.

Thanks "LOADS"!, I mean that... it's also a pun since there are many "loads" in that 5lbs of buckshot and I'm always looking for ways to shoot cheap and like the small bore size.

Shoot Safely!
Ed Rayl address is: 18 Otter Lane
P.O. Box 91
Gassaway,W.V. 26624
Phone number 304-364-8269
You can get a slower twist as I have a 40 caliber slug gun that has a twist of 1 turn in 16. 16 is the slowest twist he can go.
I think that the 48 inch twist will be O.K. for the 25 and 30 caliber barrels that I got from Ed. I talked to Ed about these barrel and he told me of a man that was only shooting about 15 grains of powder. The squirrels fell out of the tree O.K. but when they hit the ground they ran off, he was just knocking them out.
You better check with Ed on price.
I plan on shooting about 25-35 grains in these barrel. I have a 32 caliber 1in 48 barrel that shoots 23 grains of 3f powder.
I forgot, the barrel is 3/4 inch across the flats by 40 inches long. I don't like barrels longer than 40 inches as they are to hard for me to load.
I have a 40 caliber slug gun that has a twist of 1 turn in 16. 16 is the slowest twist he can go.

1:16 is a very fast twist, 1:48 is slower...

Example: A 1:16 inch twist will spin 3 times in 48 inches of travail, so it spins the projectile three times as fast as the 1:48 barrel does...
he told me of a man that was only shooting about 15 grains of powder. The squirrels fell out of the tree O.K. but when they hit the ground they ran off, he was just knocking them out.
Sounds Like a new Classification for the DNR hunting rules, and regs., and approved by PETA. Shoot and release hunting. :crackup: I can see Mr. Squirrel telling the ole ball and chain why he was late getting home, after a hard day of gathering nuts. "Well ya see Honey, I was just walkin along this limb, mindin my own business, when... :crackup: Bill
Straight $125
Swamped $225
Tapered $185

Just got a "A" weight 38 caliber from him... For my daughter's rifle. You think a "A" weight is a little heavy for a 17 month old? <snicker>

I do that a lot saying things backwards, I mean faster.I am gettng older,71 7/8.
What formula did you use to get a twist of 1 turn in 37.5 inches
What formula did you use to get a twist of 1 turn in 37.5 inches

The Greenhill Formula


In the case of a round ball, you have the same length as the diameter, so this formula can be GREATLY simplified.

For ROUND BALL ONLY! The BULLET LENGTH divided by BULLET DIAMETER will always be 1 (assuming a perfectly round ball)

Dividing the BULLET DIAMETER by 1 equals the BULLET DIAMETER

So you just multiply the BULLET DIAMETER by 150 to get the minimum twist rate needed to stabilize the projectile.

150 * 0.250 = 37.5" so that makes it a 1 in 37.5 twist.

Here is a site that explains things better than me.

Shoot Safely!
What formula did you use to get a twist of 1 turn in 37.5 inches

2 turns in 75 inches.

[Well I misread that post - for some reason I thought he was asking how to set up a rifling tool, not how to determine what twist to use for stabilization. :haha:]

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