Stock finishes

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70 Cal.
Aug 18, 2006
Reaction score
Howdy folks,
I thought I'd inquire about stock finishing. I've tried several finishes from Permalyn, to Pro Custom, to Tru Oil, etc. I can't figure out how to get that deep, warm, gloss like I see on some of the Pecatonica or Chambers guns.

I can turn out a fair satin, and a shiny gloss, but they all have a sterile plastic look to them. I like the "look of fine furniture" that I see on the high end guns. I'm even tempted to try shellac. I have some LinSpeed that I was going to try on my next kit.

What am I missing here? Can ya point me to more info or clue me to what finish to try?
Try the finish from Jim Chambers, or try this, which as I understand is very close to his. Works well for me. 1 part boiled linseed oil, 1 part pure tung oil, not tung oil varnish, 2 parts mineral spirits or pure gum turpintine. Mix well. This is a very thin and penetrating finish. Last gun took 12 coats. Takes 24 to 48 hours to dry depending on humidity.
Try taking some recovered patches and wipe them on the stock. I've heard the crud will "antique" your finish. :thumbsup:
I have had great results using Formbys tung oil and then after you get a good 3-4 coat build up I use a buffing wheel and white jewelers rouge to get that smooth transparent finish.

Once your finish is built up you can cut the shine using linseed oil and rotten stone with a rag to cut it back some. Buffing with a rough cloth work well too.
If you are going to use one of the polymerized finishes you can mellow the finish with the rotton stone, pumice, or fine steel wool, etc. However, if you then put any kind of paste wax on the finish to protect it the shiney plastic look may come back.

Randy hedden
Buffing the shine off hasn't been a problem, but no matter what sheen level, from satin to gloss, it always looks...well, modern I guess. Not like fine furniture like I'm after. I'll try Chambers finish. Actually, I think I have some Formby's around that I used for musical instrument stands. I'll give it a try too. Thanks for the input. :)