crockett said:BTW- in using a router for the barrel channel and ramrod groove, most folks seem to use a router table and move the stock against a bar. If the stock "bounces around" or the side of the wood blank is bowed or not flat, you could get a bad channel. Does anyone use a bushing on a router and a templete? It seems you could use one for a barrel channel, ramrod groove, and lock plate. Just wondering...
Track of the Wolf is one place that sells them - a couple of the "tricks" to drilling a deep hole is to go slow witha consistent, even pressure so you do not build up heat and to CONSTANTLY clean out the chips so the drill does not walk off's not rocket science but neither is it for the faint of heart :hmm:crockett said:My main concern is how to drill the ramrod hole, where do you get a three foot long drill bit?