Have you put any Hoppe's No. 9 lead solvent down the barrel to go to work on the lead packed into the grooves? That often releases the lead enough to let you pull it out with a bigger wood screw. If you have a thread die for 10-32, or 8-32, you can cut the head off a larger wood screw( cheap buy) and thread the shank of the screw to fit your existing Ramrod. You may have to file or grind down the shank before threading it, but its do-able.
The Hardware store where you buy the screw should also have the die. Take your RR or at least the tip of it( or your existing jag) with you to make sure you have the right sized die. Buy some tap oil( made specifically to lubricate taps and dies for this kind of work) at the store as well.
If you have never threaded a shank or rod before, there are two sides to the die. One has a taper to it, so you can get the die started. The other end is square. In use, you begin with the tapered side, turning the tap a 1/4 turn, then backing it up 1/8 turn to break the chips out, then another 1/4 turn, then back 1/8 turn, etc. until you reach the bottom, or your mark. Then flip the die over ( you need a die handle to hold it) and use the square end to redress the threads and thread all the way down. Until you get resistance, just sping the handle and die down the new screw. As soon as you get resistance, STOP. Now go back to the 1/4 turn, 1/8 turn back, etc. until you get to the bottom.
Now, try the new screw in your ramrod, after wiping off any chips and oiling the threads both in your rod tip, and on the wood screw/ball puller. To center the rod in your barrel, find something like a wad that fits your barrel diameter, and drill a hole in the center large enough for the shaft of your Ramrod. now, take off the tip if necessary, and slide that wad over your rod. put the tip back on and screw in the new ball puller.
When you turn the new ball puller into the lead ball that is stock, DON'T Try to Horse it out with a big jerk. have someone hold the stock, while you pull on the rod, If it won't come free with steady pressure, pour more lead solvent down and do something else for an hour or eight! Then try it again. The lead solvent should be absorbed by the cloth patch around the ball, and then eat away at the lead next to the fabric. Give the chemistry time to work.
Leave the puller and rod in the gun. If nothing else, it has now plugged that big hole, and it will be possible to blow both the ball and the ball puller out with a CO2 gun, or air compressor, or with the grease gun, or by shooting them out with a small charge of powder. ( I am talking 5 grains of FFFFg or less.) :thumbsup: