Swamprat was mean enough to send me some .595 rd balls to try out in my .62 Jackie Brown. I took them out today to try them out. Ruined my whole day. Thanks a a lot Friend, now i have to buy that new .595 rd ball mould for sure. :grin: Here is a pic of the target. I used 80 grs of Goex 3f, and a #40 drill cloth patched .595 ball lubed with some of that Slick lube he makes that he sent me with the balls. No wads this time. I tried with the wads first and the group wasn't acceptable. This one was not bad at all. 3 shot group at 25 yds off a folding table bench. And i now have 115 shots on this flint and it is still in real good shape. Love this Large Siler lock.