Swiss powder

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32 Cal.
Jan 3, 2005
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Does anyone know where to buy a single can of Swiss 3F powder in new England area?
Can't help you,but if you do find Swiss in the
Vermont,New England area, exspect to pay
a healthy premium for a single can.$25/$35 a #.
I am guessing you just want to try it out :hmm:
Before I spent the money I would thourghly
check out comments about Swiss here at the
forum.Some swear by it,others, like myself
are die-hard Goex users.Both Swiss and Goex
have plus/minus issues.For,myself,the cost
does not justify Swiss over GoexIMHO
snake-eyes :v
Kittery Trading post in Maine I know of. Whenever a friend goes I have them pick me up a can or two. It's about a 2 hour drive from here.

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