Buckskins & Black Powder
Okay, whats the trick to getting this stuff to shoot accurate? I bought 2 kilos at rendezvous 1 1/2 weeks ago and it groups terrible! I've tried 50 grains to 80 grains, .020" patch, .490" round ball, felt wads, swabbing between shots, no swabbing. Just down right terrible accuracy. At 100 yards it was an even bigger joke.
I've read about how clean shooting this powder is and to be honest, Pyrodex shoots cleaner and doesn't leave crud at the breech end like swiss does.
The other day I loaded up 80gr 2fg Gearhart Owen ( Yes, OLD stuff! ) .020" patch, .490" round ball, beautiful 100 yard 3 shot group under 2 inches! Back to shooting sweet as she always does.
( Note: Covered holes are with 60gr 3fg Swiss @ 100 yards! See how terrible? ) 3 inch bullseye.
I've read about how clean shooting this powder is and to be honest, Pyrodex shoots cleaner and doesn't leave crud at the breech end like swiss does.
The other day I loaded up 80gr 2fg Gearhart Owen ( Yes, OLD stuff! ) .020" patch, .490" round ball, beautiful 100 yard 3 shot group under 2 inches! Back to shooting sweet as she always does.
( Note: Covered holes are with 60gr 3fg Swiss @ 100 yards! See how terrible? ) 3 inch bullseye.