I am making paper cartridges for my P53 and tallow is used for lube. What is a good substitute for tallow for this application?
I can't be certain, but I would say you probably have a lot of options. I use tallow as a lubricant. The real thing still works. Mutton tallow seems a little softer than beef tallow, in my experience, but beef tallow may be easier to get. A rancher who sells beef at the local farmers' market also makes and sells beef tallow. I bought a one-pound tub of it from him last year and just used it a couple of days ago to lube some patches and felt wads, but I haven't been to the range with them yet.
In my own experience with tallow, it is maybe about the consistency of hard butter... Firm and brittle when refrigerated, softer but not runny at room temperature. Even stored out in my shed, on hot days it never melts to the point of being runny. It has to get much hotter for that. If it is too soft, you can melt it in a double boiler and mix in some beeswax to stiffen it. I made some buffalo (bison) tallow a couple months ago and mixed it 80/20 with beeswax, and found it was too stiff. It would probably make good candles! This was from kidney fat, or suet, which I now know yields harder tallow than body fat. I could probably soften it by re-melting and mixing in some sweet oil, but I haven't done it yet.
Anyway, to simulate tallow, I would think any animal-based grease about the consistency of butter or maybe a bit stiffer would do the trick. For my own purposes, though, I just use tallow, the real thing. You can find it on line by searching "tallow for sale," but it isn't hard to make your own. Ask for suet or fat trimmings from the meat department in your local supermarket. Put it in a pan in the oven at about 245 degrees for an hour or so, and pour it through a metal strainer into a can.
I didn't formally measure or weigh it, but would estimate getting better than 75%-80% of the weight of the suet (kidney fat) in pure tallow. Maybe a little less with body fat, but it has been a long time since I made any of that.
I bought buffalo suet from Wild Idea Buffalo Co. In response to a query, I found Buffalo Gal also sells it, but they don't list it on their website. You have to ask, and they'll quote you a price.
Best regards,
Notchy Bob
I'm using beeswax and Crisco.I am making paper cartridges for my P53 and tallow is used for lube. What is a good substitute for tallow for this application?
Personally have tried rendered lamb fat (the bride loves lamb chops), but long term it doesn’t compare to mutton tallow. I keep a few pounds of mutton tallow on hand that I order from Durofelt when it’s in stock. Good people to deal with. There are other sources, just who I deal with. Getting ready to mix up a batch of lube in the very near future. Best to order ahead when available. Duro-Felt ProductsI am making paper cartridges for my P53 and tallow is used for lube. What is a good substitute for tallow for this application?
I believe the term, "lard" now generally applies only to rendered fat from hogs, although I have seen "bear lard" mentioned in the period literature. "Tallow" is a more generic term for fat rendered from other animals. Tallow and lard are essentially the same thing, just from different critters.What's the difference between tallow and lard?
Lard is rendered from hogs.What's the difference between tallow and lard?
At room temp or temps we are usually active in lard is a little softer than tallow.What's the difference between tallow and lard?