I don't have a drill press and have used a hand drill. I draw a line on my wrist on the angle it should run. By eye lining up over the top of the barrel My wife or my dad when he was alive watches from the side to make sure I stay on line. After pinning the barrel I drill the tang screw from the bottom. Then place the trigger plate and drill that from the top through the tang hole. Tap and screw.
I have done wood screw and it worked. In the 16 and early 17th cent wood screws in the tang were used. By mid 17th cent the tang bolt replaced the tang screw. I did not have a problem with the wood screw gun, but figure the bolt replaced the tang for a reason. Southren and Hawkins went with long tangs and double bolts, I think it must have made it stronger in use harder then any of my guns have went through.
I have done wood screw and it worked. In the 16 and early 17th cent wood screws in the tang were used. By mid 17th cent the tang bolt replaced the tang screw. I did not have a problem with the wood screw gun, but figure the bolt replaced the tang for a reason. Southren and Hawkins went with long tangs and double bolts, I think it must have made it stronger in use harder then any of my guns have went through.